Fifty-eight days may be an average, but it shows that if you started Matched Betting today and spent an average of 4 hours a week on Matched Betting, you can guarantee yourself £1,000 (tax-free profit); there is nothing to stand in your way.
You could put it towards the sadly increasing household bills, on a holiday or on some other kind of special purchase.
You might still not be sure that Matched Betting is for you or have some misgivings, but the good news is that alongside the free help on our site, there is an entirely free trial available with Profit Accumulator here –
This trial allows you to earn your first £40+, pick up more of the basics, access and learn the software, giving you the confidence to move on and make your first £1,000.
We were all new to Matched Betting once, and everyone has to start somewhere.
I hope you have found this info useful.